Sunday, 29 March 2015

Disease fighting fruits

Fruits are tasty and they can also be consumed as snacks.Fruits can prevent aging and they can also protect your body from various disorders. It is very good to incorporate fruits in your diet if you wish to lead a healthy life. Also, it is advisable to reduce consuming junk food and increase your fruit intake.Here are fruits that are best to fight disease.
Disease fighting fruits are:

1.Raspberry: It contains anti-oxidants. Secondly, it contains ellagic acid. This fruit effectively prevents certain types of cancer (colon cancer, cervical cancer and esophageal cancer). Also, its ketone extract does a good job in speeding up your metabolism. This is one of the fruits that fight cancer.

2.Apples: Apples contain flavanoids (anti-oxidants). They play an important role in preventing asthma and diabetes. Apart from that, apples help a lot as a teeth cleanser and also as a mouth freshener. This is one of the fruits that fight diabetes.

3.Blackberry: This is one of the fruits that fight cancer. This fruit contains anti-oxidants which play an important role in preventing disorders like cancer and stroke. In some countries, this fruit was also used to reduce the symptoms of gout.

4.Pear: This fruit is rich in fibre. It helps treat constipation and prevent certain heart diseases. This is one of the foods that fight heart disease.

5.Grape: Grapes are rich in resveratrol. This is a type of antioxidant which helps in controlling BP. Also, this fruit is said to prevent the growth of cancer cells (colon cancer and stomach cancer).

6.Tomato: Lycopene is an antioxidant which is present in tomatoes. This does a good job in preventing prostate cancer. It also keeps the cholesterol levels in control. This is one of the fruits that fight diseases.

7.Mango: The antioxidants present in mango are namely Zeaxanthin and lutein. They play an important role in preventing certain types of eye disorders.

8.Avocado: This fruit is rich in Potassium. This fruit also plays a role in decreasing cholesterol levels. Even children can be fed with this fruit.

9.Grape fruit: Both flavonoids and lycopene are said to prevent some categories of cancers. Also, this fruit does a good job in lowering cholesterol.

10.Cherry: This fruit contains an antioxidant called as anthocyanin. If sources are to be believed, this fruit eases inflammation and arthritis pain.

11.Pineapple: Pineapple contains Bromelain (enzyme). This enzyme helps in digestion, preventing clots in blood and healing.

12.Lemon: Lemon prevents many ailments like high BP, diabetes constipation and digestive problems. Some sources say that lemons can also prevent kidney stones. This is among the fruits that fight diabetes.

13.Kiwi: This fruit is rich in Vitamin C. It is good for teeth, gums and bones.

14.Orange: Oranges are rich in Folate. This fruit also prevents neural tube issues. Oranges also help in controlling cholesterol levels.

15.Bananas: We all know the fact that bananas are rich in potassium. This fruit helps in lowering the BP.

16.Blueberry: They are rich in antioxidants and they can prevent certain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

17.Strawberry: This fruit is also anti-inflammatory. It also contains antioxidants. This fruit prevents the hardening of arteries.

18.Papaya: It is good for digestion, the enzyme called as papain. It is also good for your skin.

19.Water melon: This fruit is the best compared to any other fruit when it comes to weight loss. So, it almost helps in preventing obesity.

20.Peach: This fruit is rich in Vitamin A. It does a good job in helping the body fight certain types of infections.