Saturday 23 May 2015


‘I’m still, I’m still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go, I know where I came from”

That’s Jenny from Jenny from the block. Enjoying her rocking success and everything, at heart J’Lo is still just a hardworking honest woman from South Side Bronx. Her balanced approach to life is a lesson in itself, and the public’s fascination on her derriere is just the way she wants it! She is in control and a queen needs all those praises! Find here back-to-back (no pun intended) ten reasons on why it is absolutely rocking being the enigmatic Jennifer Lopez.

1. She totally rules
Jennifer Lopez is an enigma! Her persona, her gait, her dense sexiness, everything is simply incomparable.

She is the living inspiration of hope for millions of girls who keep fighting hard to pave the way to success! Her screen presence is totally awesome without trying too hard.
Industry insiders will hush about how difficult it is for a Latina woman to rise on top of the ‘casting couch’ of entertainment industry. She took all that head on, never had to compromise by virtue of sheer talent, and now she daily puts thousands of men in a compromising posit of mind. Well, if that is not being a mighty queen, then what is?!

2. She is wonderfully balanced
There is a certain Biblical myth about an ancient civilization called the Babalon, ruled by a queen.

Some occult literature rules that the Queendom was destroyed when her ladyship (denoted by the number 13) just could not keep her power in control. Apparently, she destroyed herself in ego and unbalanced anger!

The point of referring Babalon in J’Lo is to indicate that her queenship is perfectly balanced now! She won’t lose it ever, that’s for sure. Surprisingly simple, J’Lo sings “I’m still Jenny from the block’ with full on confident humility. 

Oh yes, coincidence or not, it was 13 years ago that her most personal album, J’Lo was released. As usual, it made multiple platinum and gold editions over the years.

3. She is ageless
Okay, Jennifer Lopez is officially a Goddess! Just look at her. Born in 1969, she is 45 now, and by her looks, she can set the ramp on fire for any pageant of twenties girls!
The proud mama of twins has gone through all the phases of losing shape and then regaining it with a gusto, being the same, only better! In other words, she is an inspiration of ageless beauty.
Most importantly, her charm is totally not cosmetic. She devotes regular time to physical training and keeps smoking/drinking to a bare necessary minimum. She had some body issues like the new mom belly, but she has also overcome them with perseverance and dedication.

4. She got her back
Okay, an adoration of J’Lo is incomplete without her confidence ‘backing’ her, erm, her booty. Subconsciously understood, a girl’s back is literally at the backside of her mind, her unexplored darkness so to say (figure it out).

This is the reason it is an issue with almost all girls! Some think their booty (back darkness) is too inflated, while some find it lacking somehow.

However, the Latina woman is super confident in exploring who she is, and being just herself. She not only expresses, but undulates her derriere in fantastic sexuality. Yeah, she has got her back! Of course, her recent sensation is called ‘Booty’. Carry on, Jenny!

5. She rocks the stage
There is kind of depth difference between a Pop Star and a Rock Star. Pop is popular, simplistic, and does not leave much to deep imagination.

Rock is kinda deep. Now, Jenny is a Pop Star, but she is a Rocking Pop Star! Her lyrics are simple, but they are deep because they come from heart. Also, whenever she is on the stage, she just owns it.

Delivering a steamy performance without a drop of imperfection is just her natural habit! Coincidentally again, at the ‘Fashion Rocks’ night on September 9, J’Lo totally owned the stage even though Nicki Minaj was also there, dancing choreographed to the tune of Jenny’s ex-arm candy Casper Smart. Now, that was a smart smack right on the boy!

6. She is just a simple girl
What’s most enticing about Jennifer Lopez is the fact that she is so very grounded without taking her crown off.

She has been through relationships just like any other girl does. She has been through competition and opposition. She has been a proud mama, carrying twins!

Despite everything, the home cam video on J’Lo’s jenny from the Block tells the story of a simple girl just making it out well in the big world. That’s actually a humbling lesson the fabulous diva lets the world know with her rocking life. As if she says, “You gotta be simple first to get used to the crown.” Every queen knows the tiara can change to a crown of thorns if you are taking success for granted.

7. Totally no mercy for offenders
Her fierceness is something awesome. She will go all out to show the right place to anyone who dares to offend her majesty. She won’t pick up a fight usually, but if someone does, she will be the one ending it.

Take the recent cat bump incident. Jenny was all being fabulous and cruising in her Rolls Royce. Some jerk bumped her car while DUI, badly damaging it.

Now, you should not do that to J’Lo! She made sure the Los Angeles DA rolled her way and completely nailed the brute. That stupid man was found with a very high alcohol count of .15, and is now facing charges on double misdemeanor.

8. She teams up with other artists
Although they are supposed to be teeth and nails against each other in competition, yet J’Lo just does not follow that path. She is rarely heard making negative remarks on her female co-artists.

When it is a matter of talent competition, she totally owns the show, as it happened at the ‘Fashion Rocks’ ceremony this year. However, she also teams up with other artists on her own song.

Recently, she made a parody video of ‘Booty’ with Nicky Azlea of the ‘Black Widow’ fame. She has cooperated with many other artists, female and male, in her career. She is immensely successful and has won all kinds of awards in entertainment, multiple times.

9. She is multitalented
Jennifer Lopez is dazzlingly multitalented. She is a top singer, actress, dancer, and choreographer at the same time. She is the 2500th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

She is one of the Greatest Pop Culture Icons ranked by VH1. Her album J to tha L-O! The Remixes! holds the Guinness Book of World Records as the first remix album to be number one in the US.

She is a style icon, won the Grammy Award, and he is a highly successful entrepreneur. As reported, her fragrance line recorded a mammoth sale of $2 billion! Many other popstars of date totally credit J’Lo as being their idol (even Selena Gomez, Pitbull, Beyonce Knowles, and Jessica Alba).

10. She can flaunt just any dress
The extraordinary fashion sense of Jennifer Lopez makes her an automatic style icon. Any dress she chooses, is just perfect! Whether it is elegant, bold, graceful, dazzling, colored, or baring, its always the designer’s pride that she chose to wear it.

People also tend to call her as a modern day Liz Taylor drawing comparisons from the failed personal relationships.

Well, it’s not her fault that even the most successful of men feel intimidated and backstab her whenever they get a chance! She tries her best and always looks beautiful in the mood she graces. She confesses that she also has bad days just like anyone else, but she is also strong enough to overcome them.