For healthy, consenting
adults, sex can be great or evenmind-blowing. But getting busy with a partner can also have
some legit benefits beyond our brainwaves. Read on for more reasons to get
it on (as if we needed ‘em)!
This Is Your Body On Sex
The good feelings swirling
around the brain during sexytimes are due to brain chemistry, specifically
dopamine and opoid chemicals. But the goodness extends beyond our brains.
Studies have found that regular sex can do way more than make us feel warm and
1. It helps ward off cold
and flu.
Researchers found that
university students who engaged in sexual activity a few times a week had
higher levels of immunoglobulin A—an antibody that helps fight infections and
the common cold—in their saliva . Interestingly enough, the IgA
levels were highest in couples who consistently had sex a few times a week, but lower in people who had no sex or
lots of sex.
2. It reduces depression
and stress.
No need for chocolate: Some studies show that contact
with semen during intercourse can act as an antidepressant for women .
But don’t worry: Doing the deed has positive mental-health associations for
everyone! In general, intercourse can make blood pressure less reactive to
stress and reduce
overall stress levels .
3. It boosts brainpower.
A study on adult rats
found that the sexually active rodents experienced an increase in neurons in the hippocampus—a part of the brain that stores
memories—compared to their virginal rat buddies. Not only that, but researchers
at the University
of Amsterdam found that sexual encounters may improve people’s
analytical thinking.
4. It improves overall
physical fitness.
If you’re looking for more
motivation to hit the gym, consider this: Working out regularly tends to improve our sex lives, and having sex regularly can improve
physical fitness. Everyone who’s ever watched an R-rated movie knows sexytime
can be quite the cardio workout—in fact, half an hour of sex can burn more than144 calories. Studies have also shown that exercising
frequently can enhance sexual performance.
5. It relieves pain.
Gettin’ frisky releases a bevy of hormones that can reduce pain. Oxytocin, the
“cuddling hormone” that makes folks want to snuggle up after sex, reduces
stress and promotes feelings of calm and wellbeing. Sex also releases
serotonin, endorphins, and phenyl ethylamine, hormones that generate feelings
of euphoria, pleasure, and elation—and make people forget all about that
nagging sore muscle or back twinge. Other studies have shown intercourse can stop migraines in their tracks and reduce the
uncomfortable side effects of rheumatoid arthritis.
6. It improves sleep.
It’s a cliché that dudes
pass out right after sex, but intercourse actually can help both men and women
nod off. Feeling relaxed and comfortable are big factors in
hitting the big O, so it makes sense that there’s a tendency to want to snooze
right after. During and after sex, the brain releases powerful hormones
(including norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin), which can
trigger the urge to cuddle or just pass out. Men are especially likely to zonk
out because theprefrontal cortex—the part of the brain responsible for
interpreting and responding to new information—slows waaaay down immediately
after orgasm in males.
7. It enhances your sense
of smell.
Oddly enough, spending
some time between the sheets can help our noses do their job even better. After
sexual intercourse, the body produces the hormone prolactin, which creates
new neurons in the olfactory bulb—the part of the brain that controls
how we understand and react to smells.
8. It makes us look
A little afternoon (or
morning) delight doesn’t just make you feel great; it can actually make you glow! A Scottish
study showed that loving, supportive couples who had intercourse three
or more times a week appeared on average 10 years younger than their actual
age. Orgasms trigger the release of the sex hormone estrogen in both men and
women. Estrogen improves hair and skin quality, making people look more
attractive .
9. It lowers blood
High blood pressure puts
pressure on the blood vessels, leading to damage and narrow, hardened arteries.
The same effects that endanger the cardiovascular system can also cause erectile dysfunction in men (think about it for
a second…) and reduced arousal and ability to achieve orgasm in women.
Testosterone, a sex hormone power player for both ladies and gents, could be a
solution. Studies have shown a link between low testosterone and high blood pressure,
while the spikes in testosterone associated with sexual activity might help
lower blood pressure .
10. It decreases risk for
heart disease.
Good news, dudes! Studies
show doing the deed actually reduces risk of stroke and coronary heart disease
in men . According to the study, men who had sex once a month or
less were 45 percent more likely to contract a cardiovascular disease than
friskier fellows. The evidence suggested the men with better overall health had higher libidos and
therefore more sex overall, which reinforced their healthy cardiovascular
11. It regulates periods.
Some athletic (hetero)
lovemaking once or twice a week can, on a very basic level, make it less likely
that Aunt Flow will show up unexpected. In one study, scientists found that women
exposed to male sweat were calmer and more relaxed than the control
group. These women also experienced smaller changes of levels of luteinizing
hormone (which controls the menstrual cycle) in the blood. Getting’ jiggy with
it also reduces stress, another contributing factor in keeping periods more
12. It improves tooth
This one’s a bit of a
reach, but bear with us. In addition to sperm, semen contains
minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc—which are also found in root canal
fillings . Zinc and calcium are also ingredients in mostcommercially available tooth rinses. We’ll let you do the
13. It fights prostate
The link between frequent
ejaculation and prostate health is still up for debate. According to some
studies, regular sex “flushes out” any carcinogens lurking in the prostate gland,
making it less likely to become cancerous . But a more recent study
showed that very frequent sexual activity in young men (20s and early 30s)
could actually increase the risk of developing prostate cancer .
Meanwhile, frequent ejaculation in middle-aged or older (50+) men decreased
disease risk . In other words, the verdict is still out on this
one—though things look pretty good for the older gents among us.
14. It lowers risks during
Pregnant ladies, time to
get your groove on. Frequent sexual intercourse—and exposure to semen—can
reduce the risk of developing a serious pregnancy complication called preeclampsia (which
can cause swollen extremities, headaches, nausea, and even seizures). A protein
found in semen, called HLG-
A, can regulate women’s immune systems and lower the
possibility of experiencing these complications .
15. It makes fertilization
For people trying to get a
bun in the oven, there’s no such thing as too much “trying.” A study at an Australian fertility center showed that men who
ejaculated daily for seven days had higher-quality sperm at the end of the
week. The sperm’s rate of DNA fragmentation dropped from 34 percent to
26 percent, meaning it was heartier and more likely to fertilize an
egg—probably because frequent sex (and ejaculation) means sperm spend less time
in the testicular ducts and are less likely to be damaged over time.