Monday 13 April 2015

Sleeping Over at His Place: Must Read

There is this confusing signal that ladies emit-almost to the point of hypocrisy. How can a lady take herself to a full red blooded man’s house, as if that is not ‘risky’ enough-she not only passes the night in his house but actually lies on the same bed with him and when he attempts touching her…she tells him NO SEX. Are you for real?

A decent man shouldn’t ask you to come pass the night immediately he meets you, he takes you out on dinner/lunch dates, the beach,cinemas, sightseeing etc. and builds a relationship with you first. A man’s house is not the appropriate place for a date (unless the two of you are deceiving yourselves). Let him take you on a proper date and after wards…GO HOME. Ladies, stop putting the cart before the horse when it comes to dating, except you are desperate and desperate acts are ‘bad news’ all over!

Most ladies can’t even realize when a man wants them for play and this is where it gets disappointing.

You shouldn’t have anything to do with a man who hasn’t taken the pains to date you properly…except you are playing with him too!!!