Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Kim And Kanye Take North West To Be Baptised: In Israel

The rapper and his reality star wife have been in Armenia for the past week, going on a tour of parts of Kim’s homeland.

In tow, as always, is their not quite 2 year old daughter North West. At the end of the trip, they took a little detour to Israel, and apparently the reason was to get their little girl baptised.

Israel is sacred to adherents of Judaism and Christianity, the birthplace of Abraham and Jesus Christ. For a perfectionist like Kanye, only the best would be suitable for his daughter.

The ceremony took place at Saint James Cathedral, an Armenian church in Jerusalem, according to TMZ. There was quite a crowd gathered outside the church, and the West’s had to fight their way through to get inside the church.

So it’s official: North West is now a Christian and a member of the Armenian Church. Kanye, though, everyone knows Kanye only worships at the altar of Yeezus.