Tuesday 17 March 2015

Good Things That Can Actually be Bad For You

Drinking lots of water

 Drinking water seems like one of those things that you can’t possibly get wrong, but the truth is that drinking water can go horribly, horribly wrong. Apparently, you really can drink too much water, and it can kill you. This ailment is referred to as water intoxication and can be very dangerous. This is unlikely to happen if you are just sitting home relaxing, but if you are exercising or running, especially in the heat, and then drink lots of water, you are at risk. 

The problem occurs because you are replacing the water, but not other important electrolytes such as sodium, which can lead to a serious imbalance in your body. An easy way to prevent this if you are on the go is a sports drink, which will rehydrate you while also replenishing all of the electrolytes that you lost. If you are at home, you can replenish your potassium levels with a banana, and eat something salty along with your glass of water.

Teflon coated products

Teflon has long been popular for its properties as a non-stick surface; If you use a non sticky pot or fry pan then its Teflon coated, however, it is not entirely safe. While scientists do not believe that Teflon causes cancer, it is still dangerous. In fact, Teflon has been found to be present in people’s blood and in dust, food and water in people’s houses. When Teflon is brought to a very high heat, the coating can release toxic chemicals, which can cause a nasty condition in humans that may be mistaken for the flu. It can damage the immune systems of animals and give them cancer, while scientists are unsure just how much damage it causes to humans, so far the outlook is not great and they have found that most Cancer patients have some level of the toxic chemical in their bodies.


While sunscreen is supposed to protect you from the dangers of the suns radiation, testing has continuously shown that most sunscreens have dangerous ingredients that make them not much better than the alternative, which is getting scorched by the sun. Many reports have found that these dangerous chemicals actually increase your chances of getting tumors on your skin and can mess with the hormonal balance of your body. There is also the fact that your body needs a certain amount of sunlight for the purpose of getting your body the proper nutrients it needs. However, it doesn’t need too much sun, and it’s a difficult balance to maintain. Some doctors suggest allowing yourself to get sunlight for about ten minutes before you lather the sunscreen on, and of course do a serious search to make sure the one you are using doesn’t contain anything toxic.

Citric Acid

While certain foods with natural citric acid can be good for you, citric acid itself is actually extremely bad for your teeth. According to dentists it latches itself onto the enamel of your teeth and erodes it, which is very bad for your oral health. But it’s not only in food form that you risk this problem: if you drink something with citric acid it still manages to attach itself to your enamel and begin the process of breaking down your teeth’s natural protection. Some have pointed out that sugar free sodas are especially bad for your teeth in this way, and should be avoided if possible.

Camphor, Silica Gel or Mothballs

Mothballs are used throughout the world to protect clothes, Shoes and other items from mold and pests, especially moths. They are stuffed with pesticides designed to kill off the unwanted vermin. However, it has been found that the ingredients in mothballs are quite dangerous, especially for babies and balls containing naphthalene have been banned by some countries. Mothballs contain some other toxic ingredients as well, all of them insecticides that should not be ingested or inhaled by humans in any way. If you so much as smell a mothball, you have already managed to ingest the ingredients. As noted earlier young children are especially susceptible and if they manage to eat one you should get them to the emergency room right away.

Skimmed Milk

While many think that skim milk is a great way to get the vitamins from milk without the fat, many researchers increasingly believe that skim milk is actually not nearly as good for you as full fat milk. The reason for this is that when the fat is removed, the vitamins are removed with it, synthetics are pumped back in but they are not nearly as good. To make matters worse, many of the manufacturers actually “fortify” their skim milk, using a powdered version of milk that can actually serve to oxidize the cholesterol contained in the milk. 

While this has not been tested thoroughly on humans, animals that drank oxidized cholesterol have had problems with something called arterial plaque, which can increase the risk of a heart attack. Given that saturated fats decreases bad cholesterol and reduces your risk of a heart attack—contrary to popular and governmental opinion—you are much better off drinking full fat milk.

Jogging while over weight

This may be controversial to some, because it contains some caveats, jogging can be good for you under certain conditions. However, under other conditions jogging can be very bad for you. If you run fast, or over very long distances instead of just jogging, you are increasing your chances of arthritis and other problems. But when it comes to jogging itself, it seems the real problem is that many who are jogging are doing so on hard surfaces like concrete that your body was not made to run on, which is very bad for your joints, especially your knees. The most important note of warning seems to be that if you are overweight, you are putting great pressure on your knees and joints when jogging, and should probably just walk until you are down to a more manageable weight.

Using a computer wrongly

Right now you are probably reading this from a computer, and that is actually very bad for you. For starters environmental groups have found that many computers and monitors contain dust with toxic properties that can cause serious neurological damage. More interestingly though, studies found that just the very act of sitting even as much as three hours a day can take about two years off your life. However, more specific to computers, the way we sit and type is bad for our posture, the bright lights cause eye strain and the position of our hands on the keyboard can cause carpal tunnel. Doctors suggest mitigating this by getting up, stretching and resting your eyes every half hour to hour when using your computer.

Too much Sex

Man is the only animal that nature allows, in his natural environment, to perform the sex act whenever he chooses to do so. All the other animals have definite mating periods when the female will accept the male organ. These are the short periods when the female is fertile, or in 'rut' or 'heat.' The female dog will not permit a male dog to enter her sexually unless she is in 'heat' which usually occurs about once every six months. 

The same pattern is followed throughout the animal kingdom. Generally speaking, there isn't any harm, as long as you and your partner are both happy with this. Having sex seven or more times a week is considerably more than the average, which is about twice a week. the more sex you have with multiple partners, the more you increase your risk of unsafe sex and STD's. 

There are a few signs that could indicate your daily sex isn't healthy and may border on a sex or love addiction. Daily ejaculation for men weakens the immune system and exposes the body to opportunistic infections. It also reduces the Genetic DNA traits present in the sperm. The volume of cum is also drastically reduced to the point where a man can have orgasm without ejaculating. Trouble finishing or reaching climax again is a perfectly normal reaction to having lots of sex in a short timeframe.

 A male’s semen level and sperm reserve both go down if he doesn’t give his body time to recharge. Many women end up with a bout of cystitis (also called a urinary tract infection) after serious sex sessions. And they can be crippling, as in, neither of you are seeing any action for the next few days while she’s on antibiotics. Feeling sore and swollen can be an unfortunate consequence for the ladies in particular. This "ouch" – often due to vaginal excoriation (or scraping of the vaginal walls) – can make any type of penetration-related sexual activity pretty much impossible.