Getting rejected by a woman is hard for most men to deal with. And
it’s one of the main reasons they are single for much longer than they want to
be. If you’re not able to handle rejection, you’re not going to be successful
at meeting women and will probably never end up in a relationship with an
intelligent, beautiful, amazing girlfriend.
Because it’s that important I made a list of 7 common reason men
are getting rejected by a woman, enjoy:
1. The stalker mistake
If you see a beautiful woman sitting there, it’s in your nature to
be look at her frequently. You then start thinking about how you’re going to
approach her and what you’re going to say… In that process you stare even more
at her.
Because you’re afraid you kill about an hour this way before you
actually go over there and approach her…
She’s been noticing you staring all the time, looking like a
stalker to her. She’s going to feel creepy about it and will blow you off
because of this.
So make your approach immediately, if you want to avoid getting
rejected by a woman you’re interested in.
2. Neediness
We’ve all been guilty of this one… Most men see a beautiful woman
and think “I want THAT” (objectifying her). They want to go talk to her with a
certain purpose in mind: to get her number, to look cool in front of their friends,
to take her home,… Whatever.
When they then approach a woman, they’re totally invested in the
outcome they put for themselves. They’re attached to it and do whatever it
takes to “close the deal”.
Most men act very needy around women because of this. They want it
too much and because of that an alarm goes off in the woman’s mind… telling her
to run…
It’s important to stop idealizing women before you know them and
stop attaching an outcome to your interactions.
3. They are in “hunt mode”
Lots of men go out with the sole purpose of hunting for women..
They go out in “hunt mode” as I call it sometimes…
For example, I used to go to clubs and parties in the weekend with
the sole purpose of meeting women, not to enjoy myself…
But you’re sabotaging yourself because women hate that vibe from
men… Going out to meet women is great… You’re being assertive, going for what
you want. But you become much more attractive if you’re having fun at the same
This really is one of the most common reasons men are getting
rejected by a woman, especially if you add alcohol into the mix!
4. Try to impress her
One of the most fundamental needs we have as men, is to impress
women. Some think it takes money, some go for the fame and others think it
takes looks…
Unfortunately it’s also one of the most common reasons men are
getting rejected by a woman. Whatever you believe, it’s important to realize
you don’t need any of them to impress women.
Women are impressed by the man who doesn’t even try to impress
her! That’s important to realize… You got to feel valuable in and of yourself
and feel you’re good enough to attract any woman…
5. Not realizing women are testing you
Women are constantly testing men to see if they can take control
and turn you into a wuss. She might demand something unreasonable to see If
you’re strong enough to say no. She might throw a tantrum to see if you’ll let
her get away with it. Whatever…
Testing from women will never stop, even when you’re married for
50 years she’ll keep doing it…
If you “pass” her tests, she trusts you instantly… So go for
getting her trust, not for getting her approval…
6. Bad body language
Your body language says much more about you than your words…
Especially when you approach a woman. Most men feel they need the “perfect”
pickup line to approach a woman. And if they use that line she will like you.
But getting rejected by a woman usually doesn’t have anything to
do with you opener. Attraction doesn’t work like that.
One way of attracting her is your body language. And you probably
already know what to do, you just need to become more aware of it: walk a
little taller, shoulders backwards,…
7. Last but not least…
It’s also important to realize getting rejected by a woman isn’t
necessarily about you. She might have a boyfriend. The guy before you might
have acted like a complete idiot and she doesn’t feel like talking to some
other guy right now.
Maybe she’s being hormonal, maybe she wants to boost her ego by
rejecting men…
Whatever… there’s no need in taking rejection personally. The
biggest players in the world get rejected regularly… They’re just unaffected by
it and keep having fun.
Another last insight you got to realize is this: you can’t avoid
rejection. If you do a lot of approaches, getting rejected by a woman might be
inevitable now and then. If you don’t approach anybody, you’re rejecting