A few ways to do that: You may associate snuggling with bedtime, and it is a lovely way to end the day. But cuddling in the morning will keep you feeling close to each other all day. Set the alarm clock five minutes early. Talk, or not. What's important is that you both start the day connecting physically and feeling secure and loved.
Schedule time for lovemaking, an activity that's so crucial to a loving, intimate relationship. It may not be as spontaneous as you'd prefer, but there's something nice about looking forward to a night (or morning, or afternoon) of sex.
When it's time to turn in, do it together. This may take compromise: If your partner is dead tired, give up your nightly ritual (television, surfing the Internet, whatever) at least a few nights a week. Talk about the day, or simply be close while each of you reads. If you're the morning person, maybe you can occasionally stay up. The point is, you're together when the house is quiet and the demands of the day are done, and are making the most of it.
Make your bedroom peaceful—not a place to argue, bring up complicated subjects, or discuss difficult parenting issues, but for good things only like sleep, companionship, romance. When your bedroom feels emotionally unsafe, you'll start to avoid each other.